Research Shows Gains in ST Math Use | KQED (2024)

Technology is making its way into many classrooms across the country, easing the way for schools to use educational software as one part of instruction. While the proliferation of ed-tech products and software programs can seem unending, the research backing up the claims made by companies has yet to catch up. This environment makes it challenging for school leaders to make informed decisions about products that have a big impact on how teachers teach and students learn.

A study completed by the independent, not-for-profit research and development agency WestEd is an effort by the MIND Research Institute to document if its program,ST Math, makes a measurable difference on student test scores. The institute commissioned the study to comparethe state test scores of 19,980 second-to-fifth-graders in California, who had access to ST Math’s program in the 2010-2011 school year, with a comparison group of students who did not have the program. All teachers who used ST Mathgot the same training and teacher support from the ST Math staff on how to use the software. They also received help on how to integrate the technology for use in face-to-face teaching.

Researchers found that 65 percent of students who had access to ST Math scored proficient or advanced on the California Standards Test, as compared with 62.5 percent in the comparison group. That difference is statisticallysignificant, but in real terms doesn’t appear to be a very big effect.

However, not all classrooms that used ST Math took a comprehensive approach. For grades that “fully implemented the program,” meaning at least 85 percent of the students used the program to cover at least 50 percent of the content for the class, the difference was greater. These schools invested time in program adoption, rather than just having access to the program and using it intermittently. For that group, 68 percent of students scored proficient.

“The biggest limitation is the fact that we’re doing a matched comparison study,” said John Rice, senior research associate at WestEd. It’s a quasi-experimental research setup -- not the gold standard randomized control study by any means -- but the best that could be done in this case. Researchers adjusted for factors like race, socioeconomics and starting levels of proficiency, to make the data as even as possible, but comparing grade-level cohorts in this manner is inherently opaque.

“The grades that implemented ST Math selected themselves to do this, so there may have been other factors that influencedimprovement besides the program,” Rice said. Still, the results indicate that teachers who invested more heavily in the program saw better results on tests. Rice said a longitudinal study that looks at individual student growth would give more detailed information about the program’s effect.

While tests are only one measure of learning, they are often the most public indicator of a school’s performance. For this study, WestEd researchers excluded high-performing schools from the sample, hoping to take a deeper look at how the program affects underperforming students.


ST Math features a penguin that guides students through math concepts in a visual way. It doesn’t rely on language to teach math concepts the way a textbook does. “We don’t usually consider the extra cost in complexity of introducing students to math using language,” said Andrew Coulson, chief strategist at the MIND Research Institute, ST Math's publisher. He said that introducing the concepts without the burden of language allows kids to grasp the ideas before learning the vocabulary and symbols that go along with them.

“It has the side benefit that you don’t need to be proficient in English-language skills in order to use the program,” Coulson said. The MIND Research Institute opened its doors as a nonprofit in 1998 as a spinoff of work done by several professors at UC Irvine. Now, a combination of grants, donations and licensing revenue from schools using ST Math helps pay for research, development and even some reduced-cost licenses for schools who can’t afford to pay.

“I hope this is one of what will be many scientific studies coming from the industry,” Coulson said. He hopes to conduct a similar study in several years to see how effective the program is at teaching Common Core State Standards.

“The whole industry needs to grow up and say we’re going to track what we’re doing and report out,” Coulson said. So far, that level of accountability and transparency around outcomes has been rare.

Research Shows Gains in ST Math Use | KQED (2024)


Research Shows Gains in ST Math Use | KQED? ›

Researchers found that 65 percent of students who had access to ST Math scored proficient or advanced on the California Standards Test, as compared with 62.5 percent in the comparison group. That difference is statistically significant, but in real terms doesn't appear to be a very big effect.

What are the benefits of St math? ›

ST Math helps redefine how students see themselves in relation to their ability to do math. While building academic success, at the same time, ST Math also increases students' confidence, understanding, and motivation.

What happens when you reach 100% in ST math? ›

What happens when a student gets to 100%? They keep going! When a student completes all the puzzles in a grade level, they are started back at the beginning of their current grade level Journey so they always have something to play.

Is ST math effective? ›

A study from Proving Ground, a part of the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University found that just 10 more minutes of ST Math per week increased students' test scores.

How long should students be on ST math? ›

ST Math is a flexible instructional tool that can fit easily into many different curriculum implementations. In a computer lab, during designated classroom time, station-rotation, or at home - as long as students are using ST Math for 60-90 minutes per week, you will see gains in their math achievement.

What happens when you finish St math? ›

Upon completion of the Journey, your students will automatically be placed into the Bonus Journey - an opportunity for students to play even more fun ST Math games.

Can you skip levels on St math? ›

Although ST Math levels are organized by grade, you have the freedom to choose the right level for your child's learning needs and change grade levels at any time.

What is the highest percent on ST math? ›

The percentage will go over 100% when students have completed more puzzles than are recommended for that grade. Students can see this number in their account. This number will be shown as a rounded, whole number in percentage form and fraction form. The percentage will not go over 100%.

Is 70 a good grade in math? ›

C - this is a grade that rests right in the middle. C is anywhere between 70% and 79% D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69% F - this is a failing grade.

Is a 95 in math good? ›

Yes, a 95 is generally considered a very good grade. It usually translates to an A or A- in the American grading system, depending on the grading scale used at your school. This grade demonstrates that you have a strong understanding of the subject matter and puts you in a good position academically.

Why can't JiJi jump? ›

Q: Why can't JiJi jump? Although some penguins can jump, JiJi is a special non-jumping penguin species. JiJi needs your help to get past the obstacles on the screen.

What gender is JiJi from ST math? ›

JiJi FAQs. Is JiJi male or female? JiJi does not have a specific gender so students can assign attributes to JiJi that make sense to them and will support them in their mathematical journey with JiJi.

How to get infinite lives in st math? ›

Choose a grade level and look at the information in the Overview. Then click on the Games tab and see that you have access to all the games and levels in that Objective. Notice that when you enter games this way, you have unlimited lives.

Is there a 7th grade ST math? ›

Play select games from the ST Math seventh grade curriculum for free. Concepts include expressions, multi-step percentages, integer multiplication/division, two-step equations, and more.

Who created ST math? ›

Created over 20 years ago by MIND Research Institute, a nonprofit social impact organization specializing in neuroscience and education research, ST Math presents students with challenging puzzles, non-routine problem solving, and informative feedback.

What does st stand for in st math? ›

The ST in ST Math stands for spatial temporal.

How does math benefit you? ›

Math trains the mind.

The process of breaking things down—here's what we know, then here's what logically follows from that, and so on—and working our way to a logical conclusion is something that everyone can benefit from.

What are the benefits of rich math tasks? ›

As such, rich tasks provide a context for deep learning. They also give teachers the opportunity to change the conditions of the problem to extend understanding and make generalizations, and they encourage students to ask, “What if?”

What is statistics math good for? ›

Statistics is used to conduct research, evaluate outcomes, develop critical thinking, and make informed decisions about a set of data.

What does the ST in ST math stand for? ›

The ST in ST Math stands for spatial temporal.


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