AP Lang Reasoning & Organization Multiple Choice Questions | Fiveable (2024)

Multiple Choice Practice for Reasoning and Organization

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AP Lang Reasoning & Organization Multiple Choice Questions | Fiveable (1)

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Facts about the test: The AP English Language exam has 45 multiple choice questions and you will be given 60 minutes to complete the section. That means it should take you around 3 minutes to complete 4 questions.

*The following questions were not written by College Board and although they cover information outlined in the[object Object] the formatting on the exam may be different.

1.Reasoning involves

A.Showing the audience how you process your argument

B. Showing how the supports the

C. Showing the negatives of opposing arguments

D. All of the above


2.Which of the following best describes the ?

A.The used to serve a specific purpose in the arrangement of the argument's parts.

B. The intentional use of words and phrases to create a certain impact on the audience.

C. The element that moves the speaker to the action of creating a given argument.

D. The application of the rhetorical appeals when spread equally through the argument.

3. should occur both within consecutive sentences and within consecutive paragraphs.



4.To effectively use methods of development, a speaker must consider all of the following EXCEPT____.

A.The speaker should consider the evidence that will best support the claim.

B. The author should consider how to frame his/her appearance for delivery of the argument.

C. The speaker should consider what the audience likely thinks about the topic.

D. The speaker should consider the purpose of the specific chunk of the argument.

5.Evidence to support a claim should be directly quoted when

A.The original text uses the best version to communicate the idea

B. The speaker wants to disagree with the ideas presented in the text

C. There is a need to specifically clarify components in the argument

D. All of the above


6. A line of reasoning is

A.the logical sequencing of an arguments claims, evidence, and commentary/analysis.

B. use of appeals to impact the emotions of the audience and move them to a desired outcome.

C. the commentary added to an argument after the first delivery failed at achieving the purpose.

D. a "conversation" between conflicting perspectives regarding the given topic.


7.Which of the following best describes classical structure?

A.Organizational technique based on understanding all of the facts about an issue before one can come to any reasonable conclusions or positions.

B. Organizational technique focused on paragraphs built from claims, evidence, and reasoning through commentary and analysis.

C. Organizational technique involving progress from intro and background to position and proof to conclusion.

8.Which of the following best describes the ?

A. Organizational technique involving progress from intro and background to position and proof to conclusion.

B. Organizational technique focused on paragraphs built from claims, evidence, and reasoning through commentary and analysis.

C. Organizational technique based on understanding all of the facts about an issue before one can come to any reasonable conclusions or positions.

9.Which of the following best describes the ?

A.Organizational technique based on understanding all of the facts about an issue before one can come to any reasonable conclusions or positions.

B. Organizational technique focused on paragraphs built from claims, evidence, and reasoning through commentary and analysis.

C. Organizational technique involving progress from intro and background to position and proof to conclusion.


10.Reasoning in an argument includes

A.within sentences

B. between different sentences

C. within paragraphs

D. All of the above

11.Organization of an argument can effectively place the in the introduction of a text, near the end of the text, or, in some cases, not directly state the thesis at all.




12.Which of the following best describes as a method of development?

A.Writers offer details about real-life experiences and offer reflections and insights on the significance of those experiences

B. Writers present a cause, assert effects or consequences of that cause, or present a series of causes and the subsequent effect(s).

C. Writers present a category of comparison and then examine the similarities and/or differences between the objects of the comparison.

D. Writers relate the characteristics, features, or sensory details of an object or idea, sometimes using examples or illustrations.

13.Which of the following best describes as a method of development?

A.Writers present a cause, assert effects or consequences of that cause, or present a series of causes and the subsequent effect(s).

B. Writers offer details about real-life experiences and offer reflections and insights on the significance of those experiences

C. Writers relate the characteristics, features, or sensory details of an object or idea, sometimes using examples or illustrations.

D. Writers present a category of comparison and then examine the similarities and/or differences between the objects of the comparison.


14.Which of the following best describes as a method of development?

A. Writers relate the characteristics, features, or sensory details of an object or idea, sometimes using examples or illustrations.

B. Writers offer details about real-life experiences and offer reflections and insights on the significance of those experiences

C. Writers present a category of comparison and then examine the similarities and/or differences between the objects of the comparison.

D. Writers present a cause, assert effects or consequences of that cause, or present a series of causes and the subsequent effect(s).


15.Which of the following best describes definition-description as a method of development?

A.Writers present a category of comparison and then examine the similarities and/or differences between the objects of the comparison.

B. Writers present a cause, assert effects or consequences of that cause, or present a series of causes and the subsequent effect(s).

C. Writers offer details about real-life experiences and offer reflections and insights on the significance of those experiences

D. Writers relate the characteristics, features, or sensory details of an object or idea, sometimes using examples or illustrations.

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AP Lang Reasoning & Organization Multiple Choice Questions | Fiveable (2024)


What is a good multiple-choice score for AP Lang? â€ș

Strategies for Passing AP Language Multiple Choice

For those aiming for a total score of 3, it is best to aim for around 55% or 23 out of 45 questions. For students aiming for a total score of 4, a success rate of 65-70% is suggested. Those aiming for a total score of 5 should aim for around 80% accuracy.

How much is the multiple-choice worth on the AP Lang exam? â€ș

The AP Language multiple choice section is worth 45% of your total exam score. You will receive one point to your raw score for every question you answer correctly. However, as on other AP exams, your raw score will be converted to a scaled score from 1-5. But what's actually on the multiple-choice section?

What percent is a 5 on AP Lang? â€ș

45-59% = 3. 60-74% = 4. 75% or more = 5.

Is it hard to get a 3 on the AP Lang exam? â€ș

AP Lang Rubric

Of those, 55.7% of students scored a 3 or higher and 31.5% scored a 4 or higher. This might come as no surprise given how students are required to demonstrate a high-level of analytical, argumentative, evaluative and persuasive writing.

What is harder, AP Lang or AP Lit? â€ș

The AP English tests are equally difficult, but for AP lit, you have to read many books and do deep learning for all of them. Therefore, it requires more time and patience. On the other hand, while AP lang needs less reading, the writing part is equal for both.

Is AP Lang multiple-choice like SAT? â€ș

Are AP Lang multiple-choice questions like SAT questions? The AP Lang Reading MCQ is similar to the Reading MCQ on the SAT test. However, the SAT includes a prose fiction reading passage, while the AP Lang test only includes prose nonfiction passages.

How hard is it to get a 5 on AP Lang? â€ș

To give you a sense of the difficulty, in 2021, on 9.1% of test takers earned a 5, although 22.9% and 25.8% scored a 4 and 3 respectively. Still, the AP Lang exam is significantly easier that the AP Lit exam, for which only 4.9% of students earned a 5.

Is 3 an ok AP score? â€ș

An AP¼ score of 3 is a respectable score. The College Board designates a 3 to be “qualified”. That means that you understood and executed the material to the point that you could pass the college class. While you did not receive the highest grade in the class, you did pass.

Are AP tests curved? â€ș

AP test scores are indeed "curved," but it's more accurate to call it a "scaling process." Instead of a traditional curve that compares your performance to other students' performance, the AP exam scaling process converts your raw score (the number of points you earned through multiple-choice questions and free- ...

Can you get a 6 on AP Lang? â€ș

As mentioned above, the free-response section is scored on a scale of 0-6. The higher your score, the better it is for you. Here's a look at the Q2 Analysis Scoring Rubric, a handy table that gives a good break-down of what judges are looking for when awarding points for each essay.

How many multiple choice questions are on the AP Literature exam? â€ș

A frequently asked question is, “How many MCQs are on the AP Lit exam? ” On the AP Lit exam, there are 55 multiple-choice questions and just 60 minutes to complete this section of the test, which counts for 45% of the exam score.

How many multiple choice questions are on the AP Calculus exam? â€ș

The AP Calculus AB course is organized into 4 topics: Limits and Derivatives, Applications of Differentiation, Integration, and Applications of Integration. The AP Calculus AB exam is divided into two sections: multiple-choice (45 questions, 1 hour 45 minutes) and free-response (6 questions, 90 minutes).

Is a 4'6" on an AP Lang essay good? â€ș

Typically, a 3 is defined as 'qualified,' 4 as 'well qualified,' and a 5 as 'extremely well qualified.

What percentage of AP Lang students get the sophistication point? â€ș

Sophistication (0-1 point)

The sophistication point is typically the most difficult point to gain on an essay. It is sometimes referred to as a “unicorn point”; only about 5-15% of students usually get this point on any given essay.


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